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Home > News > Safer Internet Day 2021

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Today marks Safer Internet Day 2021, a day celebrated each year promoting the safe and responsible use of technology for young people. This year’s theme is:

An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world

Across the UK, the UK Safer Internet Centre are asking people to explore reliability online; the internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online but how do we separate fact from fiction?  

It’s important that we ensure our safety online and this last year more than ever the number of people accessing the internet and being ‘online’ has grown massively. Covid-19 has forced many services and organisations online; whether learning how to set up a Zoom call or accessing online learning platforms we’ve all found ourselves interacting with new and different online resources and services. Alongside the UK Safer Internet Centre’s charities, St Antony’s Centre wants to encourage our service users to consider their online safety and reliability in the online world.  

As part of our vast range of online CPD courses we have two online safety courses perfect to begin your online safety journey! Click below to learn more about the courses.

This Safer Internet Day consider...

For more information about Online Safety and how you can help people in your life get in touch with the Centre team. Don't forget to follow our social media channels and UK Safer Internet Centre's platforms too for more updates on how you can get involved with the days events.

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