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Home > Room and Conference Hire > Carter Seminar Room

Carter Seminar Room

The Carter Seminar Room is the combination of both the Village Seminar and Westinghouse Seminar rooms, made possible by the opening of the doors which divide the two rooms.  This creates a larger space for up to 50 people, depending on the room layout.  This room is charged at £240 for a full day and £140 for a half-day (up to 4 hours). View the video and take a look at the different layout options for this room in the photographs below.
Room Specification
Dimensions : 8m x 5.5m
Capacity : 40 people (depending on layout)
Audio-Visual : Projector and Screen (chargeable)
Resources : Flipchart
Room Layouts
Room 2 - Carter Seminar Room

Layout 1

Room 2 - Carter Seminar Room

Layout 2