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Home > St. Antony’s Centre > Matrix Standard

The Matrix Standard

The Matrix Standard is owned by the Department for Education (DfE) and ensures the delivery of high-quality information, advice and guidance (IAG) services that enable people to reach their full potential. The Standard is applicable in all IAG settings including, education, skills, employability, careers, health advice, money advice, and more.
St Antony's Centre is proud to hold the Matrix Standard award in recognition of the quality of the work it does related to the sharing of information, advice and guidance in the community.
The Centre was last assessed for the Matrix Standard in 2021 and is due for its next full assessment in 2024, having successfully achieved continuing accreditation in the interim period via the Matrix Standard Continuous Improvement Check (CIC). 

Matrix Standard Elements


The Matrix Standard has the following elements against which an organisation is assessed:


  • Purpose
    • This element aims to recognise the extent to which IAG contributes to the achievement of the organisation's aims
  • Resources
    • This element aims to recognise how the organisation allocates and manages human, physical and digital resources to provide effective information, advice and guidance to its clients
  • Offer
    • This element aims to recognise the extent to which there is a clear description of the information, advance and guidance on offer and how this is promoted to those who may access it.
  • Delivery
    • This element aims to recognise the extent to which the services offered by the organisation are tailored to the needs of individuals and how actions and activities, including signposting and referrals outside the organisation, for individuals are planned, delivered and monitored to support progress towards agreed goals and transition outcomes
  • Outcomes for Individuals
    • This element aims to recognise the extent to which the information, advice and guidance offered by the organisation is having clear benefits for and making a difference to individuals.
  • Impact for the Organisation
    • This element aims to recognise the overall impact of the delivery of information, advice and guidance at organisational level, including how it contributes to organisational goals or objectives.
  • Continuous Improvement
    • This final element of the Matrix Standard aims to recognise the extent to which the organisation reviews and evaluates its services and their impact, identifies strengths and areas for improvement , and plans to develop the services it offers. based on feedback, data and quality assurance activities.