t. 0161 848 9173 f. 0161 872 9480
e. secretary@stantonyscentre.org.uk

Charity Status

The Centre is a registered charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales.  As such, we are bound by the regulations and guidance of the Charity Commission, including the requirement to report outcomes and a financial statement on an annual basis.  Our financial year runs from April to March.

Registered Charity
Number : 1164837

How is our charity managed?

The Charity is governed by a Board of Trustees.  The daily running of the Centre is the responsibility of the Director of the Centre and the Executive Team.


As a registered charity with the aim of improving the life chances of and opportunities for people in local communities, particularly those who are disadvantaged, we are always grateful to receive donations or legacies from the general public, individuals or organisations to develop and maintain our mission and work.  Such donations help the Centre to provide advice, guidance and training to those who need it most in the community.  If you would like to make a donation to the Centre, please get in touch with the Director.
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