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Home > Projects > Come Together (Lottery)

Come Together Project

The Come Together project is a project primarily funded by the National Lottery Community Fund for an initial period of three years from April 2023.  The project aims to bring together partner agencies to address poverty and improve life chances within the local community, mainly by building capacity within the local community to enable and empower people to influence and effect local change.

Project Objectives


  • bring the agencies involved and local residents into closer co-operation to address poverty within the community
  • deliver a programme of training and support for local residents so that they can give advice, guidance and support to others
  • mentor community representatives in the 'see, judge, act' model such that they are better able to formulate effective responses to local concerns
  • provide direct support to around 1000 local residents, ranging from food and other domestic essentials, to advice with accessing financial assistance, welfare rights guidance and help to move into training and/or employment
  • involve local residents in the project steering group
  • establish new grass-roots agencies (informal or constituted) and support them to bring new resources into their communities