t. 0161 848 9173 f. 0161 872 9480
e. secretary@stantonyscentre.org.uk

Latest News

Here is the latest news of projects and events across
the range of Centre activities and services.

Support Available for E-Visa Applications
Support is available for those who need to apply for E-Visas which will replace biometric residency permits from 1st January 2025.  Click here for more information.
Sunday 22nd September 2024
Heritage Open Day
We are pleased to invite you to our Heritage Open Day on Sunday 22nd September.  We will be open from 11.00am to 5.00pm.  You will be able to view the 'Hidden Archives' exhibits and the historic Church of St. Antony's.  For example, we have recently discovered a set of photographs which show the Trafford Park Youth Club Awards in the 1960s and the Trafford Park Gala Day and St. Antony's Church events.  Videos of the area will be playing throughout the day, some for the first time.  Light refreshments will be available for purchase.


We are also pleased that Paul Frost and Helen Hall will be performing on the day, including one or two of their songs from the CD 'Songs from The Park'.  They will perform about 2.00pm so please arrive in time if you wish to hear their performance.
September 2024
Launch of Autumn Day Courses programme
We have now launched our autumn calendar of courses.  These include course in Microsoft Office applications (WORD, EXCEL and POWERPOINT) as well as programming courses for schools and an Introduction to Trainer Skills for businesses and other organisations.  Click here to see the Course Calendar.
September 2024
Launch of Courses for Schools
We have now launched some of our new courses aimed at office staff and teachers (and teaching assistants) in primary schools.  These include Microsoft Office courses and courses in programming to support the teaching of National Curriculum Computing.  Click here for more information.
May 2024
Success for IT Learners in Salford
We are working in partnership with the Loaves and Fishes Skills for Life Centre in Salford to help people in the community improve their IT skills.  Our first group of leaners have successfully completed their START-IT course which includes using Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Presentation Software, and are moving on to Level 1 or Level 2.  Well done, everyone! 
February 2024
New Training Manager starts in post
Ian Beard, a former primary school Headteacher, has recently joined the team as the Centre's new Training and Development Manager.  Ian's role will be to manage the training provision of the Centre and help to develop its education and training services.  Ian will also be the Centre's Quality Assurance Manager, making sure that the Centre's work related to City & Guilds qualifications meets the awarding body's standards.
October 2023
Come Together project launches with partners
Our new Lottery-funded project, 'Come Together', has now launched.  The project aims to build capacity within the local community.  Click here for more information about the project.