t. 0161 848 9173 f. 0161 872 9480
e. secretary@stantonyscentre.org.uk

Our Mission and Work

To establish and maintain a centre offering training, advice and support; and to develop community-based projects in response to social, economic, industrial and ecumenical issues and concerns.

St Antony’s Centre was established in 1979 with the aim to put into practice the Church’s concern for people in the World of Work and to support them in partnership with employers, community agencies, parishes and chaplaincy groups.  Now the centre offers a range of services supporting people in local communities who are employed or unemployed.  From accredited training, to support with Welfare and Benefits applications or access to Industrial Chaplaincy and community development initiatives, St Antony’s Centre has a wealth of services and a dedicated team to help you.


The objectives of the St Antony's Centre are, in accordance with its Roman Catholic origins and heritage, to further the following exclusively charitable purposes, in accordance with the tenets and values of the Christian faith for the benefit of people of all faiths and none
  • the advancement of education, in particular by promoting the understanding, research and practical application of Christian social teachings to industrial, economic and community issues;
  • the relief of unemployment, poverty and financial hardship in particular by facilitating and encouraging the establishment and maintenance of learning and resource centres and projects through which to provide training, advice and support to those with low or no qualifications and/or skills and to the unemployed, including by supporting and enabling high-quality, appropriate and focussed professional development opportunities for employees who are in financial need;
  • the relief of poverty and financial hardship, in particular by promoting other charitable acts or projects which further the development and empowerment of all individual and communities in need and the enhancement of opportunities for employment, education, social welfare and recreation.