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Home > News > Retreat in the Park

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We are delighted to inform you of a new, exciting initiative in our 40th Year, which forms part of our ‘Life to the Full’ spirituality project.

We believe that for many of us, attending a retreat house may not be practical. We are endeavouring to offer a place where this stepping aside to review life, is made available on our door step, in ways that are accessible to our daily lives. We want to particularly encourage, but not exclusively, those who work in the Trafford Park and Salford Quays areas.

‘Retreat in the Park’ seeks to offer a quiet space, and an opportunity to explore spiritual and reflective ways of living.
We are calling on all who may be interested in hearing more about the project, to make contact with us.
We will be inviting them to meet with us at St. Antony’s Centre for an initial small group conversation and to discern their needs as well as outlining the possibilities for the ‘Retreat in the Park’.

Please feel free to pass details on to all who may be interested. Trafford Park and Salford Quays has over 1500 companies and 50,000 workers. Many will be unaware of the spiritual oasis in the heart of the ‘Park’ and the services we offer, as such your
help is invaluable to us in this regard.

We express our thanks to the Jesuits who have financially supported this initiative.

People interested can email by Friday 12th July direct to secretary@stantonyscentre.org.uk to be included in the invite or to request further information, if required. All enquiries will be responded to.

A copy of the leaflet can be found here:


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