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Home > News > Learning at Work Week 2021

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We're joining Campaign for Learning to encourage learning at work this week and for the future!


This years Learning at Work Week 2021 theme is:


It focuses on our human capacity to learn, how we can be great lifelong learners and the importance of connection and community for empowered people and dynamic organisations. 


There are three strands linked to this years theme:


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Learning is a human thing. 

We learn constantly, adapting our understanding and behaviours, building on what we already know and can do. 


Lifelong and life-wide learning brings many benefits. We gain new ideas, knowledge and skills for work. We can follow our passions and use learning to achieve our aspirations and goals. 


By connecting with others we learn things that enrichen our lives. We can share our talents and skills, discover different perspectives and understand better how our organisations work.

How St. Antony's Centre aligns with the Campaign for Learning's Lifelong Learning Agenda

St. Antony's Centre with GMB Reachout offers a wide range of learning opportunities both accredited and non accredited to further your education and develop your skills.

Explore our range of online Continuing Professional Development courses to improve your skills at work

Enrol on one of our Functional Skills English courses to gain the qualifications needed for an Access course or to ensure you're prepared for employment

Enrol on one of our Functional Skills Maths courses to gain the qualifications needed for an Access course or to ensure you're prepared for employment

Explore our range of online Distance Learning courses to update and broaden your skills for new or different employment

Get in touch with the team to explore how you can improve your employability skills ready to apply for jobs

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