The icon is used for TOOLS.
A FIREWALL is a piece of software which monitors the traffic or data entering a network and allow or blocks content according to the rules which have been set. This is called filtering. For example, a firewall can stop people outside the network from accessing the network and can stop certain types of content (e.g. harmful content) from being access and displayed by users of the network.
Cloud Storage is data stored on an internet server in a different place rather than a local computer or server.
A search engine is used to search for pages on the internet. Examples of search engines are GOOGLE, Microsoft Bing, Yahoo! and A web browser is the software used to view pages on the internet, including search engines and the results from a search engine.
A digital footprint is the trace (usually by tracking software and cookies) or evidence (e.g. logging on to a website, sharing views or uploading photographs to social media) that a user leaves behind when they have used the internet or social media. People are often surprised how much evidence of themselves and their internet use is stored on server and computers around the world!
VPN means Virtual Private Network.
A Database enables the user to create, store and manage structured data. Many of the world’s computer systems and software used by companies are database programs, handling large amounts of data, mainly about people.
This icon is for an AUDIO file.
The format is pdf which means Portable Document Format. A PDF file can be created from a text file (e.g. in Microsoft Word) and then made available for people to read. A PDF file can usually be display and read on different devices, which is why it is known as Portable.
A jpg (joint photographic expert group) is used for images.
An exe file is an executable program on a computer.
An mp3 is a sound file.
The are icons for popular APPS (for use on mobile devices). They are Pinterest, WhatsApp call, Facebook and Instagram.
A ROUTER is device that connects a computer or network or another network or the internet. If you have access to the internet at home via your landline, you will have a router which connect the internet to your computer network or WIFI.
A web browser is software on a device (including mobile devices) that enables the user to look at pages from different websites. Web browsers interpret the code of the website and display the text, images, video and other features on the screen, formatting everything in the right place. Examples of web browsers include Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Safari (usually on Apple devices).
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) of a computer is not a type of memory. The CPU is the ‘brains’ of any computer and uses different types of memory to keep the computer and its software functioning. ROM (Read Only Memory), RAM (Random Access Memory) and SSD (Sold State Drive) are types of memory used in computers.
URL means Uniform Resource Locator. A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on the Internet. It is also referred to as a web address. URLs consist of multiple parts, including a protocol and domain name, that tell a web browser how and where to find a resource (a page, image, document or anything else that can be accessed on the internet)
Adobe Photoshop is an example of graphic design software. It can be used to create and manipulate images in lots of creative ways.
When a number of files are compressed (made smaller to save storage space), they can be ZIPPED to a special folder. This folder is shown using a folder with a ZIP across it.
Phishing is an attempt to obtain sensitive information from a user by pretending to be a trustworthy entity, e.g. a bank or reputable company. Someone who is phishing might send an email to someone (or a number of people) pretending to be from the person’s bank. The email might ask for information such as account number, internet banking details or PIN, or might have a link to an untrustworthy website which looks very similar to a real company website.
You would use Microsoft POWERPOINT to create a slide presentation.
Microsoft EXCEL is spreadsheet software, Microsoft WORD is a word processing program and Adobe Photoshop is for creating and editing images.