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Home > GMB Reachout Redundancy Support

GMB Reachout Redundancy Support

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Redundancy Support for GMB Members across the North West & Irish Region

The following support is available to all GMB members in the North West and Irish Region. Working alongside the Reach Out project and a number of partners across the region support has been established for GMB members to access whenever you need it. 

All enquiries are dealt with in confidence and can be accessed by contacting your local Union Learning Rep or a GMB Reach Out Project officer.

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Dedicated Welfare Rights Advice Line

  • Do you need help with benefits? 
  • Have you had an application rejected and would like to appeal? 
  • Do you have a disability and need some extra support? 

Call today for support: 0161 877 9439

The line is open Monday to Friday during office hours.

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Employment Starter Packs

A good CV, covering letter and strong interview are all essential when looking for work.  These starter packs set you on your way.  Packs are available to download or can be posted on request.  All starter packs contain a help sheet, templates and links to other support if needed.

Register at the links below for you starter pack.

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Financial Advice

Independent 1-1 advice with a qualified financial adviser focussing on future planning, investments, retirement etc. 

Debt management: have a confidential 1-1 discussion looking at any debt issues you're having and help to overcome any challenges.

To arrange a confidential appointment, call today: 0161 877 9439

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Free CV Writing Service

GMB Members can request help if they are not IT literate or are struggling.  The data for your CV is collected through our online form or over the telephone by a project officer.  This data will then be transferred into a workable CV for you to build on and use.  

Click the link below to begin building your CV with the Reachout team.

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Training & Upskilling

Project officers can help members to access the training and skills they may need to move onto further employment or develop their prospects.

  • Are you looking to retrain?
  • Do you need help looking for a course?
  • Are you missing a key qualification?

Look at our available courses below.

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Confidential Face to Face Advice and Guidance

Available through Zoom, on site or at a learning centre (if safe to do so) GMB members can book a face to face meeting to discuss anything you may need help with.   

Get in touch with the team today to arrange a 1-1 session.

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Get in touch

If you would like any further information or you know of a workplace or colleagues, facing or at threat of redundancy get in touch with the team today. 

We may be working from home but we are still here for members across the North West & Irish Region supporting and helping you!

Call us on 0161 877 9439

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